Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Okay so for just about three months now, Faith has been taking swim lessons at a swim school that I LOVE and actually she loves too, however, it is new and scary for her and it is NOT a warm fuzzy type swim school- it is ALL about being pool safe and learning to swim (no cute medals or awards just hard core learn to swim!). The good news (great news to a mommy that wants her 4 almost 5 year old to be SAFE in the pool and heck, everywhere), is that she IS learning to swim and is very proud of herself! She should be, she has come a LONG way and it has not been easy for her or myself. That said, today was a HUGE day for her as she took class and cried just a little (this is much,much,much improved!) so she finally got a ballon afterward and boy was she happy! Here is a photo of her and her friend Jeff (Great job too JJ) after class after they got their ballons. It was a fantastic day!!!!

Yipeee for Faith! :)

I had to take a picture but I did not bring my camera, so this shot is taken on my iphone- not great quality but you get the picture (haha).


1 comment:

Sarah Metz | Art Soul Photo said...

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FAITH! SO proud of you little lady!! :D WOOHOO!!!

