Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gracie is growing up...

My little newborn baby; Grace, is growing up so fast- too fast! It seems like yesterday she was growing in my belly and now she is trying to crawl! YIKES! She is eating solids a little now (rice cereal and baby banana's once a day) but she is just doing everything crazy fast! She is 5 months now (WOW) and what is even wilder is that her BIG SISTER Faith is turning 5 years old tomorrow!! Well, thought I better post of few cute shots I took of Grace today since the next few weeks I am sure I will be blogging Faith's birthday and party and everything.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Independence Day!

We had a spectacular 4th of July this year up in Oregon with ALL the family from my side; my two brother's and one sister and their spouses and kids; cousins and my parents...10 Grand-kids on my side- my parents are very blessed and of course; my husband, my two girl's and me, Needless to say, it was a fun filled fabulous time. Here are a few shots I took while we were there (yes, I am a little behind on editing and posting but hey- it is summer!) and I am enjoying every minute of it this year with both my girl's.


Monday, July 7, 2008

Dream Ballet

I finally am getting a chance to upload, convert and do some quick editing on a couple photos I took of Faith and her Ballet class doing their routine at the BIG dance recital a few weeks ago. They did a sweet little number called "Dream Ballet" and it was very cute. Faith has been dancing ballet since she was 2 years old (she is almost 5 now!) and loves it. This is her third recital and she is getting so good not to mention she just loves to dance and sing. She is quite the little performer. Her class this last year was small so you see just four of her little friends; dance girlfriends doing there thing and they all did wonderful. MY DAUGHTER FAITH IS THE ONE TO THE FAR RIGHT JUST IN CASE YOU DID NOT KNOW! ;)

Also, here is a pic I got of the teacher also performing in the recital.

Enjoy the pictures and I will be posting some spectacular shots I took this last weekend of the 4th of July up in Oregon with my family as well as extended family doing fireworks and having a blast, so check back for those soon.
