Monday, February 19, 2007

STUNNING..." Tea Collection " is in my boutique now!

the tao of tea
tao: the art or skill of doing something in harmony with the essential nature of the thing (as defined by Merriam-Webster OnLine)
Tea, the drink, is shared in nearly every culture around the world—offering inspiration, warmth and mindfulness. Through children’s apparel, Tea Collection offers parents clothing that reflect these same sensibilities, celebrating the beauty found in cultures around the world.

We envision with a sense of art, approaching the process of our work organically—moved by the distinctive beauty of a global source towards the creation of an inspired, original interpretation.
Tea is guided by an awe and respect for the beauty found in cultures around the world. We are drawn to the unexpected ways in which beauty inhabits a culture—its colors, shapes, sounds and movements, from raw to refined.
Tea is always approachable and inviting. We measure everything we do against our goal to reflect warmth and a generosity of spirit in our products, actions and interactions.
We approach our work with humility and purpose, authenticity and creativity. We offer products that are real—combining distinctive style with ease of use, accessibility with business objectives, and meaningful intent with enduring quality. We educate through awareness and inspire social responsibility through our genuine concern for the world.

Tea is inspired by cultures around the world.
Spring/Summer 2007 inspirations include:
DAILY TEA: JAPAN (i.e. Yoshiko, Nobu, Kawaii)
SPRING/SUMMER: TURKEY (i.e. Irini Ikat, Tokpaki, Assos)
INDIGO: JAPAN (i.e. Haru, Yuki)

I just LOVE this unique brand and am so excited to be carrying it in my boutique! It is in the store now and stocked and ready to ship out as soon as you order it! ...Just really amazing designs and creations for Spring/Summer 2007 by TEA COLLECTION ; Search "Tea Collection" under brands


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